About Us
Mark Nankervis Tree Services offers professional management of trees on properties of all sizes.
As one of the longest established tree companies in West Cornwall we have a strong and loyal client base consisting of large estates, development companies, holiday parks, schools, British Telecom and, of course, homeowners.
Our clients benefit from our knowledge through a wide variety of tree related surveys, reports and also general advice when providing tree work quotations.
Tree advice is based upon current good arboricultural practice and knowledge allied with many years of experience and a balanced appreciation of tree issues in man made environments.
Our operational base is located in Connor Downs in Hayle, Cornwall and serves the whole of South, West and mid Cornwall from Lands End to St. Austell. Consultancy work is undertaken throughout the whole of Cornwall.
I am a professional member of the Arboricultural Association, the Royal Forestry Society and the International Tree Foundation. I am an active committee member of the Cornwall Arboricultural Association.
I am a Chartered Arboriculturalist with the Institute of Chartered Foresters and I am a Professional member of the Arboricultural Association, and I am an advanced licensed Quantified Tree Risk Assessment practitioner.
All of our staff are fully qualified and hold NPTCC standards, are experienced, professional and friendly. Our Company holds a minimum of £5,000,000 public indemnity insurance along with a minimum of £10,000,000 employers liability insurance.
Our consultancy service is covered by a minimum of £1,000,000 professional indemnity insurance.
Our Services
Tree Consultancy & Contracting
Tree Consultancy
Mark Nankervis Tree Services offers Arboricultural consultancy services to commercial organisations as well as private individuals. Help can be provided in the following areas:
Trees and Developments
Trees on proposed development sites are a material consideration and Cornwall Council requires these trees to be assessed by an arboriculturist.
British Standard 5837:2005 Trees in relation to construction – Recommendations provides a framework through which to assess the quality and future potential of trees on a site. The standard also provides recommendations to guide suitable protection measures for those trees being retained. The aim of this process is to achieve a long term sustainable integration between trees and new developments.
The report is compiled following a site survey and depending on the size and complexity of development will incorporate some or all of the following elements:
Tree Constraints Plan
This helps to inform the design layout in terms of trees' Root Protection Areas, space requirements, shading issues, dominance etc.
Tree Protection Plan
A scale drawing showing trees being retained and tree and landscape protection measures.
Arboricultural Implications Assessment
In order to identify and mitigate development impacts on existing trees.
Our aim is to help our clients to achieve their goals and succesfully meet the Council's planning requirements whilst maximising the positive potential of trees to enhance the new development.
The sense of marturity and amenity offered by trees can considerably raise the marketability and value of a property.
Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and Conservation Areas
Council protection does not exist to prevent tree management, its purpose is to promote good tree management.
Where there is a conflict of interests between the tree owner and the tree there is often an acceptable solution which alleviates the problem through good arboricultural practice.
Poor arboricultural practice such as 'topping' a tree often results in an unsightly high maintenance tree which grows faster and thicker with increased risk of decay.
We undertake checks to establish if a tree is protected and can provide reports and advice as well as preparing the applications.
Where works are consistent with good arboricultural practice, as described in British Standard 3998:2010 Tree Work – Recommendations, gaining permission is generally straightforward.
Where a tree is causing direct damage to structures, or is dead, imminently dangerous or imminently dying, works to alleviate these issues are exempt from the TPO, but we normally inform the Council with a written 5 day notice as a courtesy and take photographs to demonstrate the tree condition.
Where emergency works are undertaken to alleviate immediate danger a phone call to the Council is made and photographs are taken as evidence.
Even where trees are not protected they still form a significant backdrop to the owner's everyday life. Good management enhances the benefits and reduces the disadvantages of trees in our everyday environment.
Tree Condition Reports
As a tree owner you have a legal responsibility for the trees on your property, primarily under The Occupiers Liability Act. This act requires you to underake reasonable measures to prevent your trees providing an unnacceptable hazard to the Health and Safety and property of people who could be harmed by them.
What is reasonable varies greatly and mainly depends on the level of injury or damage that could occur if the tree failed and how likely such failure is. The risk of tree failure is often less than people fear. The anxiety itself is often very real.
We undertake tree condition reports to establish both the health of the tree/s and their structural soundness.
These reports are often used to fulfill the requirements of Insurance companies, to help inform disputes between neighbours over the safety of trees, or as guidance on management for valued trees which have some structural weakness.
The significance of diseases, fungi and damage are another area where guidance is provided.
As a licensed Quantified Tree Risk Assessment user. An assessment under this system can help to inform the Risk of Harm associated with particular trees, taking into account the value of damage or severity of injury most likely to occur should the tree fail, the likelihood of this happening, and the size of the tree, or part of tree most likely to fail.
This system is particularly useful, efficient and cost effective when assessing large populations of trees and much valued individual trees which have obvious defects.
No tree is structurally perfect and all trees of any stature have a potential to cause harm. A condition report will focus on the most significant defects and take into account surrounding targets. Recommendations of any actions required to address unnaceptable risk of harm will be made.
Woodland Surveys
A woodland should be an interesting and attractive habitat, rich in wildlife, beautiful to visit whilst producing a valuable suistainable resource and a multitude of environmental benefits.
We provide Annual, 5 year and 10 year action plans to enhance the quality safety and sustainability of woodlands.
Tree Contracting Works
Clients range from private home owners to large estates and public utility companies.
We work in accordance with British Standard BS3998:2010 Tree Work – Recommendations.
We remove all unwanted arisings, clients may keep whatever wood or chippings are of use to them.
Some of the regular tree works we undertake are listed below.
Tree Dismantling
The controlled reduction of a tree canopy and trunk in a confined space until the trunk is small enough to fell without causing damage.
Cutting down a tree from the base in a precise predetermined direction.
Crown Raising
Removing the lower branches on a tree up to a specified height above ground
Formative Pruning
The removal of relatively small features in a young tree which are likely to develop into structural defects as the tree increases in size.
Crown Reductions
Reducing the outer periphery of the tree crown to leave a smaller canopy on the tree.
Crown Thinning
Reducing a percentage of branches through the crown to reduce its’ density.
Fruit Tree Pruning
Usually to balance the fruiting capacity and the appearance of trees in a garden setting.
Tree Planting
Appropriate size and species for the intended position.
Good quality specimens and planting to a high standard.
We have extensive knowledge of smaller woody plants and how to manage them.
We are commonly asked to undertake:-
- Pruning
- Shaping
- Trimming
- Removal of a range of shrubs, trees and hedges.
Contact Us
We would love to help, please use the form below to get in touch.
Gwel Killy, 1 Tresdale Parc, Connor Downs, Hayle, Cornwall. TR27 5DX • Telephone: 01736 755218 or Mobile: 07894 325581